Real fans are the key to success

Create challenges and programs that will make your customers – future and present – actively engage in building your brand, thereby promoting your product.

The largest companies know that caring for customers is very important. It is they who do the best marketing, talk about products and recommend them to others. Keep that in mind. Take care of your customers even more than before. Build thousands of fans of your brand.

Your recipients are an important link in your business! Invest in a solution that will:

You will attract the attention of the recipient from the first contact with the product

You will create challenges with rewards for your audience

You will effectively promote a new product thanks to interactive games that will remain in the minds of the participants for a long time

Did you know that as much as 70% of brand income depends on the proper management of customer engagement?

Use mechanisms that will increase the number of customers and create engaged customers – ambassadors of your brand. Thanks to an unusual promotion:

You will surprise the market with innovative methods of product promotion
You will stand out from the competition with the help of AR technology
You will create an engaged community around your brand
You will find people who will come back to you for more
positive feedback

Create out-of-the-box loyalty programs

Use modern methods of appreciating engaged customers, such as: badges, contests with prizes, or special points from the premises, thanks to which you will motivate them to continue shopping.

Create games and challenges that engage your customers

Fast. Easy. Fun. Create marketing campaigns using the latest AR/MR technologies for your customers. And without programming! Zero code. Games support pre-sales or product promotion and create unforgettable images in the minds of potential customers.


Quickly and easily reach your customers

You don’t have to move from your place to communicate with your customers! With the messaging function you will dispel doubts of a potential customer, inform him about new actions and send information about promotions or contests. Quickly, safely and effectively. Without external communicators.

Build your brand ambassadors

By engaging your audience, you can control your social media traffic. This way you will know what, how and where your product is being talked about.


Start working on value for your customers today!

At Aribo We Can Help You With:


Creating a loyalty program with rewards

Aribo crowdsourcing

Create games that enhance new product promotion and build brand awareness

Współdziel w mediach

Controlling whisper marketing in social media

Lepsi każdego dnia

Creating AR animations for new products

Changing the behavioral habits of your audience


Take marketing to the next level