Your employees with passion

Create games that will make your employees have a great time, while increasing their motivation and engaging in the implementation of your company’s mission!

The best companies know that caring for employees is just as important as caring for the customer, because it translates into increased productivity and efficiency, and this has an impact on the operation of the entire organization.

Your employees count! Invest in a solution that will allow:

At the beginning

Involve employees from the very first day of work. Turn traditional onboarding into a modern game, thanks to which employees quickly learn the mission, vision and processes in the company

Every day

Turn everyday tasks and processes into fun, making employees feel part of your company. Appreciate every employee. Highlight those who perform best

During the events

No more boring meetings in the company! Create unique, interactive games that will make new friendships, and the memories of the event will stay in the minds of participants for a long time


Show them. Show that you care. Reward your employees for each additional activity. Highlight the best players

Research shows that 85% of employees are not involved in workplaces!

Use the mechanisms thanks to which you will provide entertainment to employees and make them involved in the life of the company. Thanks to this:

You will increase the motivation and productivity of your employees
You will build a committed community and valuable relationships in your company
You will more effectively conduct the onboarding process or training in your company
team with puzzle

Create games that support your business goals

Quick. Easy. Fun. Create universal games using the latest AR / MR technologies for your employees. And that’s without programming! Zero code. Games support your organization’s business goals or serve as entertainment at company events.

Reward and motivate

Start rewarding your employees with virtual points, rewards, badges, rankings or a reward shop.

positive feedback

Reach your employees easily and quickly

You don’t have to move from the place to communicate with the employee! Reach your employees quickly and efficiently with the help of the messaging function.

Zarządzaj wieloma grupami dla różnych zespołów

One account. Many possibilities. Within one account, you can set up different groups and departments in your company. Create closed or open micro-communities for your employees. Manage the visibility of games, points or challenges for each group.

marketing, loudspeaker
rocket, marketing

Combine employee data with your company’s growth metrics

Integrate your business metrics tools with our employee engagement dashboard to monitor the impact of individuals and groups on your company’s success at any time.

Start working on value for your employees today!

At Aribo We Can Help You With:

Statystyki kampanii Aribo

Conducting an interactive onboarding procedure

Aribo crowdsourcing

Implementing new processes inside the company with fun


Rewarding the best employees


Creating challenges for employees


Building an integrated team

Bloki aktywności

Adding variety to company meetings


Take HR To The Next Level