Autogenic Schultz Training Practice

Schultz autogenic training is the name of a neuromuscular relaxation technique for therapeutic and preventive everyday use.
The training can be performed independently at home – treating it as a method of relaxation and preventing the effects of stress.
Performing exercises developed by Schultz allows you to relax and get rid of stress, which has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.
Autogenic Schultz Training Practice:
• reduces the negative effects of stress
• relieves anxiety
• improves health
• reduces psychosomatic symptoms (e.g. headaches, migraines)
• reduces the level of stress response
• stabilizes breathing
• brings a feeling of peace and relaxation
• reduces muscle tension
• makes it easier to fall asleep and helps with insomnia
• helps every day in difficult moments
Training for every person
• It is safe and very simple.
• you can do it in any place where you can sit down and stop doing other activities for a while (home, work, park bench)
• It is workable and useful for both children and the elderly.
• there are no contraindications to the daily performance of Schultz autogenic training.
• There are also no unwanted side effects.
• Has nothing to do with any philosophy or religion.
It is also used in the treatment of children from 6 years of age.
Schultz training can be successfully used for children over 6 years of age in the case of:
• neuroses and anxiety states
• emotional tension and stress
• psychosomatic disorders (e.g. headache, abdominal pain)
• children with motor hyperactivity
• problems with the child’s coping with new situations and changes
• trouble sleeping
• trouble concentrating
• problems dealing with emotions
Autogenic Schultz training enables the child to achieve a state of relaxation of the child’s body and mind, improves well-being, gives greater self-confidence, develops imagination, improves relations with the environment, and strengthens mentally.
Clinical use and evidence of efficacy
Technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz was first published in 1932.
Schultz’s autogenic training has many applications and is used in various pathophysiological states as well as in mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Autogenic training has been subject to clinical evaluation from its early days in Germany, and from the early 1980s worldwide.
The Mind-Body Medical Institute in Massachusetts, included autogenic training on the Institute’s list of treatments used for relaxation for the first time in the 1970s. The British Autogenic Society was established in the 1980s, and in 1984 the British Journal of Medical Psychology recognized autogenic training as a cost-effective treatment for stress and anxiety.
Today, autogenic training centers can be found in concentrated parts of the world, and this method is prevalent in the United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany. According to the British Autogenic Society, the Autogenic Training Department at the Royal London Hospital for Integrative Medicine has been providing autogenic training in a group setting for over 20 years.
In 2002, a meta-analysis of 60 studies was published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, concluding that the effects of Schultz’s autogenic training were similar to the most recommended competing therapies. It was also established that patients experienced positive side effects, such as their perceived quality of life.
In the Mentis mobile application you will find Schultz Autogenic Training, which, through the VR technologies used, provides a greater level of immersion.
Scan the QR code below with your phone’s camera to train in the mobile application or if you are on a mobile device, click this link

Schultz Autogenous Training available in the application was made with the financial support of the Novis Plus Foundation.